
young athletes
Being coachable isn’t just about following instructions; it’s a mindset, a willingness to learn, adapt, and grow both on and off the field. In this blog post, we’ll delve into the importance of being coachable in sports and how it can impact your journey to success. The Power of Coachability Coachability goes beyond skill level;...
Athlete performing a high-intensity training drill, showcasing the importance of consistent training for sports performance.
Maximizing Athletic Performance Through Consistent Training: When it comes to excelling in your sport, consistency is a fundamental key that cannot be overlooked. We looked at some data over nine weeks to see how athletes who trained different amounts did. What we found is that doing your training consistently is super important for doing your...
Redline Athletics has just introduced a brand new membership type – the FLEX – specifically designed to provide young athletes with an unparalleled fitness journey. The FLEX membership offers three different settings to choose from: Unlimited, Single Session, and Away, all of which can be easily accessed through the Redline app. This unique feature offers...
Character Development for youth athletes
As a parent, coach, or mentor of a young athlete, you understand the importance of helping them not only become better athletes but better people. Character development is crucial in helping young athletes grow into responsible, successful adults. In this post, we’ll explore ten essential character traits that are crucial for the development of young...
  The spring sports season is quickly approaching and it is vital for parents of young athletes to understand the significance of preparing their children for the season ahead. As a parent, you have a crucial role in helping your child develop and enhance their athletic skills and performance. One of the most effective ways...

About Us


Redline Athletics is a National sports performance brand that specializes in comprehensive athletic development and sports-specific training for athletes, especially those that are 8-18 years of age.