Football: It’s a Mind Game

Redline Athletics football clinics build better players by focusing on speed, acceleration, and agility. Muscular endurance, flexibility, mobility, and overall strength and power are essential on the field.

Football isn’t a sport you play with just your body, though. You need mental clarity and concentration in order to strategize, memorize plays, and anticipate your opponent’s next move. Here are a few ways to prepare your mind for the big game.

1. Relax

Before you hit the field, take a few deep breaths and make sure you’re 100% present and alert. Ideally, you’ll feel relaxed even though your body is flooded with adrenaline. It’s normal to be a little nervous, but focus on feeling confident, too. You’ve worked for this. You’re ready.

2. Visualize

Pre-game prep starts with the ability to imagine and prepare yourself for any play that could happen. When you’re mentally running through different scenarios, don’t just imagine the opposing team. Picture yourself performing with confidence, control, and precision.

3. Adjust Your Attitude

It’s simple: you’re far likelier to win when you believe you’re going to win. Stay positive and remember all the preparation you and your teammates have done for this moment. Approach each game with the understanding that you’ll have fun, perform at your peak, maintain your control, and meet any challenge that arises.

4. Take Responsibility

You’re going to make some fumbles. So is everyone else on the team. It doesn’t mean you’re bad at football –– it means you’re human. Learn to see mistakes for what they are: data. Be honest with yourself, your coaches, and your teammates about where you see room for improvement. Redline’s coaches and trainers can help you zero in on the skills you need to keep your body –– and your head –– in the game.

Football clinic offerings vary by location, so please reach out to your local Redline Athletics facility to confirm availability.